了解 Web3、钱包安全和更多信息
web3 世界可能让人疑惑不解,但也不必如此。我们已经收集了一些资源,以帮助你了解 web3、钱包安全等信息。 我们创建了Revoke.cash学习部分,以帮助你了解如何在web3的世界中保持安全。它涵盖了web3的基本知识和更高阶的主题。随着时间的推移,我们将增加更多的文章,所以一定要定期回来查看。
What Is a Crypto Wallet?
A crypto wallet is used to send, receive and store crypto assets. It is often also used to interact with smart contracts. Learn more about crypto wallets.
What Are Tokens?
Tokens are digital assets that can be bought and sold. There are different kinds of tokens, like governance tokens or stablecoins. Learn more about tokens.
What Are NFTs?
NFTs are unique digital assets that can be bought and sold. Each NFT is unique, and cannot be replaced by another NFT. Learn more about NFTs.
What Are Token Approvals?
Token approvals are used to give permission to a smart contract to spend your tokens on your behalf. Learn more about token approvals.
撤销代币批准对于保持适当的钱包安全至关重要。了解如何使用 Revoke.cash 和其他工具撤销代币批准。
What Are Permit Signatures?
Permit Signatures are a way to grant approvals through gasless signatures. This has some important benefits, but also some drawbacks.
You’ve Been Scammed, Now What?
Scams are a common occurrence in crypto and cause hundreds of millions of dollars in losses every year. Understand how these scams happen and what to do when you get scammed.
Common Scam: Address Poisoning
Address poisoning is a scam that tries to trick you into sending money to the wrong address. Learn how address poisoning works and how you can stay safe from it.