Unagii Whitehat Hack

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Descubierto en2023-06-28
Monto Robado$60k
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In June 2023 the Unagii team got notified of a vulnerability in their system. Their WethZap contract (meant to help with (un)wrapping ETH and interact with the Unagii system in a single transaction) had missing ownership checks, allowing anyone to execute privileged functions. The team was notified of this vulnerability after one user lost over $60k to an automated MEV operator.

After being notified, the team withdrew the vulnerable funds to a wallet they controlled to mitigate the damage. They were able to rescue the remaining user funds (around $100k) and no further funds were lost. The Unagii team has since returned the rescued funds and reimbursed any users affected by the vulnerability.

Los usuarios afectados seguirán en riesgo mientras no hayan revocado sus autorizaciones, por lo que se recomienda utilizar el comprobador de exploits Revoke.cash que aparece a continuación para asegurarse de que están a salvo.

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