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Monthly Update: July 2024
Escrito por Rosco Kalis
Jul 31, 2024
2 min de lectura

Monthly Update: July 2024

July was a month that was mostly focused on making connections in the ecosystem. We visited the EthCC conference in Brussels, where we gave an educational talk and met a bunch of interesting people. Our newest team member has been working on creating educational content and we've worked on fixing small bugs from our recent redesign. Team in Brussels

July started busy with the EthCC conference in Brussels, where the team was well-represented. We gave a talk about figuring out what happened after getting scammed and what you can do to make sure it doesn't happen again. We were one of the first talks of the conference and it was great to see people coming to see the talk. We also had a bunch of questions afterwards so we hope we're able to repeat the talk at future conferences as well.

EthCC educational talk

Besides our talk we also met up with a lot of other builders in the Web3 space both new contacts as well as long-term friends of the team. Some of the people we met while there were mezcalpapi.eth, the Nefture team, Anjali from Collab Land, Paul Berg from Sablier (who inspired me to create back in 2019), and many others. It was great to meet so many people in person and we're looking forward to the next conference.

Educational Content

Our new content king WiiMee has started creating short weekly educational videos that touch on different aspects of web3 security and using Some of the recent subjects include offchain signatures, exploit checkers and Permit2 approvals, with many more subjects in the pipeline.

Educational Video

We're posting these videos on Twitter and LinkedIn, but we're also planning to cross-post to more video-focused platforms like YouTube and TikTok since Twitter is not the best platform for video content.

New Exploit

This month we saw a big exploit in the LI.FI Hack. This exploit affected any users that had active token approvals to the LI.FI cross-chain bridge aggregator. We created an exploit checker for this exploit so you can see if you're affected below.

New Supported Networks

This month we added support for 1 new mainnets and a new testnet.

New Mainnets:

New Testnets: