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Monthly Update: December 2024
Escrito por Rosco Kalis
Dec 31, 2024
1 min de lectura

Monthly Update: December 2024

In December, we took some time off to spend the holidays with our families and friends, so no new features were released. But we did use this end of the year to continue work on improving our infrastructure, fixing bugs and improving the internal workings of the site.

Improved Infrastructure

In December we've continued the work that we've started in November with respect to improving our infrastructure and performance. We've improved the loading times of all static content on the site, such as our educational content in the Learn section and the blog.

We've also improved approval loading performance for some of the networks, especially if the checked address does not have a lot of approvals. We expect to continue improving our infrastructure in the coming months, and we're looking forward to the new year.

New Supported Networks

We've added a few more networks to our ever-growing list of 100+ supported networks.