
Mantle Sepolia
Mantle Sepolia Token Approval Checker

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What Is Mantle Sepolia?

Mantle Sepolia is a testnet for Mantle. Mantle is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, providing cheaper and faster transactions than the L1. It uses a modular architecture in which optimistic rollups are paired with an improved data availability solution. While Mantle is an EVM-compatible Layer 2 chain, it does use its own native token to pay for gas fees on the L2. The native token of Mantle Sepolia is MNT. Learn more about Mantle Sepolia on its website.

Learn how to add Mantle Sepolia to your wallet on our Learn page.

What Are Mantle Sepolia Token Approvals?

Token approvals are used to give permission to a smart contract to spend your tokens on your behalf. This is a common pattern used by decentralized exchanges and other decentralized applications. This is an important feature for the functioning of decentralized applications on Mantle Sepolia and other blockchain networks, but it can also be dangerous if left unchecked. Learn more about token approvals in our Learn article.

How to Revoke Mantle Sepolia Token Approvals.

When you enter your address above, you will see a list of all your Mantle Sepolia token approvals. The list will contain all the token approval details, such as the date, amount and spender. You can sort the list and filter it by any of these properties. You can then revoke any token approval by clicking the revoke button, which will prompt your wallet to confirm the revoke transaction, costing a small gas fee. Besides Mantle Sepolia you can also check your approvals on 100+ other networks by using the dropdown menu. Learn more about revoking token approvals in our Learn article.